About Me/About the Content

My name is Paulette Martig and I am a retired administrator and former Bed & Breakfast owner.  Although, not famous or important, I do have an enthusiasm for the written word.  The focus of this blog is on my memories and interests, enhanced with engaging facts, original poems and a dash of embellishment for the fun of it.    New posts or pages will be rendered once a month when possible.

My Mission Analysis

I am an ordinary person writing about an ordinary life; rough around the edges but secretly solid.
I write for worth, I write to uplift, I write to feel good but most of all I write to fly free.



** I have secured no rights to any of the YouTube videos or Google images used in wannathink.com. 


  1. Camilla said:

    Thank you for writing the article on the history of the peruke, STIs, vanity and lice. It was helpful to have that short history lesson on promiscuity and its visible pitfalls, as well as see how the interaction of vanity and having head lice led to wig boiling as a profitable business. I personally shaved my head a few weeks ago to try to get rid of head lice, hence my interest in the the history of this pestilence. Truly terrible things they are! But mind you, it is seemingly quite fashionable right now to be bald in certain “hipster” areas of my home in Melbourne, Australia.

    August 22, 2019
    • Hope all is well as of this reply. Thanks for the comment. Means a lot.

      August 24, 2019

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