“Crazy as a June Bug”

The Embattled Little Beetle  

I often use the expression “Crazy as a June Bug ” when describing non-sensical or silly interactions, and though quirky, always makes me smile.

The June bug (aka, May Beetle or Betsey Bettle) derives from the genus Phyllophaga, or leaf-eater. It is related to the black Scarab beetle but differs in its size and is small, rusty, or brown-green colored with no identifying patterns. It has 6 legs, an oval-shaped body,  a segmented antennae that fan out like a feather, and lives primarily in the southern states.

The June bug is harmless and does not sting or bite has two sets of wings but cannot fly well but is attracted to light, often smacking into people, light fixtures, getting stuck in screens, or any other obstacle, in its flurried flight pattern.  Derived from this erratic behavior the expression “Crazy as a June Bug”, came about.

This poor little beetle stays most of its life underground as a white grub. It survives by eating various roots, predominately grass. The grub’s life is cut short by its enemies such as the parasitic fly that lays eggs on it and when hatched, feasts on it; or by birds looking for a nutrient-filled meal or by fishermen who dig it up for bait. Then if the embattled June Bug finally sees the light of day, it faces death by frog, bat, skunk, raccoon, or various other predators. Then if it manages to survive that gauntlet of horror, it will have one year to: sustain on vegetation, procreate, and fly like a kamikaze pilot.

Maybe the crazy June Bug is not so crazy after all but just happy to be alive.

Editor’s Note

“Crazy as a…”. doesn’t always center around the June Bug, far from it, but also the Loon or Coot.






4. Planet Natural Photo: June Bug feature photo

5.  John Prine: Crazy as a Loon”

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