Author: <span>[email protected]</span>

Harpy Eagle

The Sloth


The Embattled Little Beetle  

I often use the expression “Crazy as a June Bug ” when describing non-sensical or silly interactions, and though quirky, always makes me smile.

June Bug



Health benefits of Walking 9 Year Anniversary

Lily Girl: A Memoir

(A Blog Favorite)

There once was a lab named Lily,
Eyes of sepia, tail like a whip, coat ebony and silky.
She was lovely, she was sweet, she was silly.
She chewed, she fetched, she snuggled.
She snored, she scratched, she wiggled.
Everyone’s heart she moved.
Lily pranced to her own beat; she was loved.
 One day she left,
that day I wept.


Puppy Mills