Category: <span>Flowers</span>

 Her Majesty

Is there a flower more beautiful than the Rhododendron?
 More prolific and enduring?
More brilliant in color and hue?
I wouldn’t know.
A jewel of nature; a  dominance in my world.
 Regal to the eye,  joy to the soul,  magnificently staged–
Her Majesty the Rhododendron.
I do know.


The Essence of Lavender

An odoriferous rouse
this wee purple flower.
It’s variation of use,
it’s extraordinary power.
Ice cream, lemonade, perfume, soap for hands and knee-
vinegar for cooking, relief from a sun burns tear-
medicinal aromatic oils and calming fragrant tea.
Oh, sweet lavender, I’m so glad you’re near,
along with the mountains and sea I hold dear.


 The Sequim Lavender Festival
