Little Companion of Mine

Dearest JoJo
What purpose is your life?
Is it to befriend with kind or need?
Is it to love and procreate in muted wonder?
Is it to eat, sleep, and play under protective wings?
Is it to be fiercely loyal yet self-aware?
Little Companion of Mine,
Your only purpose in life is to survive,
using your natural gifts.
Fate dictates how long and with whom.
Fortunately, yours chose wisely.
Staggering Statistics of Animal Abuse In The United States
Every domestic animal’s fate in this country depends on its owner. An owner includes anyone associated with an animal’s well-being or care. The statistical numbers on animal abuse by owners or entrusted animal caregivers in the United States are horrifying. I cried when I did the research, unable to grasp the gravity or believe the amount of animal abuse inflicted on our most vulnerable creatures.
Statistics From The World Animal Foundation, the ASPCA, the Humane Society, and MedCrave (2)(3)(4)
10 million animals die from abuse each year in the US alone. 45% from neglect and 10% from stabbing or mutilation.
Dogs make up 65% of all abused animals globally. “A dog is a man’s best friend”? Questionable.
1 in 3 pet owners abuse their pets either passively or physically.
- 500,000 dogs are estimated to be kept strictly for breeding by the 10,000 puppy mills in the United States. (A puppy mill is an inhumane, high-volume dog breeder facility)
71% of the people involved in domestic violence also abused their animals.
88% of households responsible for child abuse also inflicted abuse on their animals.
Almost 1 million cats and dogs are euthanized each year because they could not find homes.
- Every 60 seconds of every day an innocent animal suffers abuse.
Selected Signs of Abuse (4)
- A person striking or physically abusing an animal
- Emaciation with or without bones protruding
- Tight collar that causes sores or is found embedded in the neck.
- Illness or injury not being attended to such as open wounds or broken bones.
- Attempts to bite or scratch when petted.
Psychology of An Animal Abuser
Zoosadism is a term used to describe those despicable few who take pleasure in torturing animals. (1) These twisted minds are models of the Macdonald Triad, a precursor to the 3 behavior patterns of an abuser: “cruelty to animals, obsession with fire setting and persistent bed wetting after the age of 5”. (1)(2) One FBI study on deviance and abuse believes that some offenders kill animals as testing grounds before killing humans. (3)(7)
No matter what prism you look through to explain animal or human abuse, there is no rational reason it should be tolerated. Cruelty to animals often leads to human abuse. It is our duty as decent human beings to report to the police, animal control agency, or 911, any witnessed abuse. This tip could lead to the arrest of a monster and save an angel.
- Google: featured image of an abused dog behind bars
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