To Whom It May Concern:

I have been wearing a Fitbit religiously for over 4 years (please refer to my first FB post below). During that time, I have earned nearly every badge Fitbit has to offer and with these accumulated accomplishments in hand; I can proudly proclaim my status as a “Super Badger“!
I bought my first Fitbit in 2014 and have never taken it off but to replace it with a new band or an upgrade or when going into water. This treasure has changed the fabric of my life and I cannot bear to be without it.
I lost 45 lbs within the first 12 months by trusting the advice of this little life-trainer and friend. I walk at least 5 miles a day, burn an average of 2000 plus calories a day, rack up 13,000 to 20,000 steps a day, and run or walk up 20-100 flights of stairs a day; every day, 7 days a week, rain or shine.
I now know what does or does not stress my heart by monitoring its beats per minute and RHB calculated all day long with just a flick of my wrist; an amazing and life-saving feature.
I currently weigh 130 lbs and have maintained that weight since 2014 thanks to an avid adherence to my Fitbit goals.
25,000 steps in a day
7,900 lifetime miles
500 floors in a day
35,000 lifetime floors
Thank you Fitbit, for a glorious and healthy life in retirement. If we could all stay healthy together what a wonderful world this would be. Oh, and by the way, I’m 71 years young.
Your Forever Friend,
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