(A Blog Favorite)
Please experience with me, the arduous journey of a life serendipitously changed by strict adherence to motion and committment.
The Mission
My successes will be documented daily. Time is of the essence. Regrets of the past are forgotten. The ultimate battle of endurance begins; endurance to usher in old age with grace and pride. Just because you are lucky enough to reach the pentacle of “senior”, doesn’t mean you stop cold in your tracks, get fat and wait for the grim reaper!
Legend has it that my great, great Portuguese grandfather use to run races in the Azores until 85 and died at 115. Now that’s awesome (maybe just a family tale, but who cares, if it helps with the “yes I can spirit”).
∗I started off with a 30 day challenge and reduced it to 14 days due to my rapid weight loss of nearly 10 pounds in less than a week!The Challenge
1. I will not spend any discretionary money for two weeks; I will learn to save and budget. (Ouch! did I actually write that?) I will NOT go shopping online or anywhere else. Daily sustenance and a roof over my head will be provided by my prince charming. (He’s so excited!) I will lose 15 pounds (more than 15 pounds and I am off to Las Vegas) by eating healthy with a specific diet designed by myself for quick weight loss.
2. I will drink 6 glasses of water a day minimum. (Ugh, do you know what fish do in water?) I will exercise at least 45 minutes a day at the gym or at home. I will not speak negatively about anyone or anything, (Obama will be happy to hear this!), but will meditate with prayer instead. I will become immersed in love.
3. I will not get angry if someone insults my blog or ignores me: I will not gossip: I will not get angry by people acting stupid: I will share the TV remote. I will stop shuffling my feet. (It wears my shoes out) : I will not cry over family issues or worry about my itty bitty feelings getting hurt. I will concentrate and stay on point. I will remain in my happy place at all times.
And for the success of this ambitious endeavor , I will be given the avatar: Slim Angel.
The Validation
Documentation of my progress will be done every night before retiring and confirmed by the CEO of change , my husband, John. (Nothing gets passed him, NOTHING!) I will begin this social experiment starting June 16, 2014 at 8:00 AM princess time.
June 15, 2014

Drum Roll Please….
I’m so excited about this “challenge”. Even if I don’t completely meet all my goals, it will still have been an adventure in discipline. The actual starting of the diet will begin on the morning of the 16th, with preparation of the event beginning on the 15th. The first, and most important focus, will be on the menu: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks are for two complete days then repeated for a total of 14 consecutive days.
Consistency, simplicity and desire are paramount for this diet to succeed.
The Menu
*BLACK coffee or tea can be had anytime of the day between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM WATER can be had at anytime. Must have at least what is suggested by the menu. SUBSTITUTIONS of any meal or snack within this menu can be made if away from home or unable to stay within its guide lines. VITAMINS can be taken daily, in the morning, after breakfast. PRESENTATION of each meal and snack is essential and actually seems to enhance the flavor!
1 c. oatmeal with walnuts, flax-seed, 1 Tbs honey and 1/4 c. non-fat milk 1/2 grapefruit 1- 8 oz glass of water

July 16, 2014
The First Day
Weigh In– 149.9 pounds Measurements: 38-28-39 (final measurements on last day of Challenge)
Blood Pressure 125/80 Height- 5’3 1/2The trials and tribulations of day 1 came with the eating venues and type of food when traveling. I had to go the mainland today on business ( about 3-3 1/2 hours from Port Angeles). Needless to say, I was able to eat my breakfast and snack before I left and put my smoothie in a thermos for lunch later but got home too late for dinner. Eating out would not provide the foods in compliance my menu and arriving home at 8:30 pm was too late to prepare a dinner. So I ate my afternoon snack instead.
My husband found a nice over sized thermal lunch box online this evening that can be used in the future for my “special food” when traveling. (John bought the lunch box since I cannot spend any money and this truly saddens me.)
HEALTH NOTE: Did you know that red peppers have strong anti-cancer properties as well as Brussels sprouts , cabbage and kale ?*
Behavioral Modifications
I was an angel in every way today: I offered to drive to Blaine, let John listen to whatever he wanted on the radio, promised to wash his car tomorrow and wrote two thank you notes. I said my prayers when I awoke and refused to watch the morning news (thus keeping me from ranting and raving about the high cost of gas and health care.) I was angry at no one today. I spent no money. (I’m feeling a subtle mist: could it be a cloud?)
I exercised for 45 minutes when I got home, grazing on my snack first, and am about to drink my warm glass of milk and say good night day one.
July 17, 2014
Day Two
Weigh In: 147.5 pounds ( loss of 1½ pounds, yea!)Blood Pressure: 125/80
The Diet
I had a very productive day today with no interruptions or excuses for not performing exactly as expected during this challenge. Every meal was eaten on time and no substitutions made , water drank and no sweets were had. I went for a 35 minute walk with John and 15* minutes of exercises when I returned home. I NEVER once got hungry. This is amazing. Why didn’t I do this before?
* Paulette’s 15-20 minute workout : 100 scrunches– 50 push-ups (knee supported)– 20 waist bends each side– 1 minute running in place– 10 stairs up and down 10 x.
HEALTH NOTE: Did you know that coconut water is a natural energy drink due to its high potassium and mineral content?*
Behavior Modifications
I had one tiny little slip this afternoon while on a walk. I criticized a couple of young girls who were still in their pajamas with beer in tow, smoking and surrounded by junk in their front yard. John reminded me I am not suppose to gossip. Was that gossiping? Someone help me here.
The day was gorgeous and inspiring and angelic. I washed the car and detailed it to a shine. I made chocolate chip cookies ( for John, really) and did some gardening. I studied for two hours on my online curriculum in social networking and of course worked on my blog. Somehow all the pictures in my posts “Ships” and “Rhododendrons” were gone. It took me quite awhile to recoup them. Such is the life of a blogger. I spent no money, said my prayers and watched no TV.
Good Night Day Two
June 18, 2014
Day Three
Weigh in- 147 pounds (say what?)
Blood Pressure- N/A (Did not get to the pharmacy today.)
The Diet
I should have made this challenge harder. I love this diet and am absolutely sure I can make it a lifer (with a little sugar and carbs added). Of course, I may tire of it after a week or so, but for now I am riding high! The only time I craved a sweet was when my husband and I were at a friends house and my favorite cookies were served. I was so tempted but remained strong and on the righteous path of discipline.
I did a slight modification to the dinner vegetable. An alternate has been added: the absolutely delicious sweet potato.
HEALTH NOTE: Did you know that sweet potatoes have plant estrogens that reduce puffy eyes and that garlic is an anti-inflammatory? I can’t be slim angel with puffy eyes, now can I?
Behavior Modification
Day three was uneventful. I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary for anyone: I was exhausted from all the good deeds from yesterday. Nor did I watch any TV for the third day in a row. I am so mellow I’m turning “yellow”. (Remember that song? Probably not.)
Exercise is a part of my daily routine so no problem keeping up with that challenge. Drinking water is difficult but alternating with coconut water helps. ( I did send a gift to my son and family for no reason, but I always do, so that caring act didn’t count toward my wings:) No mist today, maybe tomorrow.
Good Night Day Three
June 19, 2014
Day Four
Weight– 147.0 pounds (no weight loss)
Blood Pressure– 120/70
The Diet
Everything went as planned with my meals today. I am never hungry and have to force myself to eat the snacks. (I’m getting use to the routine now, like Pavlov’s dog.) Posting a presentation of each meal has been difficult due to my camera acting up, but think I have fix the problem.
My weight has plateaued for now. I don’t want to lose too much too fast.(Oh that was a little white lie, cause I really do.) Of course it would be counter-productive to lose too much and have to put it back on. Eek, what a dilemma I am having.
HEALTH NOTE: Did you know that parsley is loaded with vitamin K and can reduce dark circles?
Behavioral Modifications
I woke up at 7:00 am this morning to make sure everything I wanted the ARC truck to pick up was ready. ARC is a wonderful organization that focuses and works with the intellectually and physically disabled.
I fixed breakfast then headed out to the garden to “dead-head” the rhododendrons for three hours. (Dead-heading means removing the old flower cluster to make room for the new.) This made John happy. I watched no TV, prayed, exercised, studied and spent no money for the rest of the day.
I forgot to mention that when I initially walked into my friend’s house yesterday, I saw the most beautifully arranged peonies ever on her counter. I made a comment to her that I love peonies. The next thing I knew those same peonies were all wrapped up and in my car. Lily is like my younger sister Gloria; both adorn the double wings of kindness and love and would give the shirt off their backs if they could. I am lucky to have them in my life.
If everyone did just one kind deed a day……
Good Night Day Four
June 20, 2014
Day Five
Weight- 146.8 pounds
Blood Pressure– N/A
The Diet
Today was another challenge due to change of plans. I missed dinner but made up with afternoon and evening snacks. My new lunch box could not heat up my dinner and I would not transport salmon all day anyway. So guess what I am having tomorrow?
I am feeling so different than I did on Monday. I have lost all hunger cravings and can serve John potato chips and be around when he slurps down a delectable Green Tea Frap, with no animosity. (Now that’s cause for angel status.) I am beginning not to dwell on eating but rather on what needs to be done at the moment, leaving so much more time for having fun.
HEALTH NOTE: Did you know that pistachios have antibacterial activity against intestinal pathogens such as “escherichia coli”?
Behavioral Modification
Since I was gone most of the day in a car and subsequent theater, I naturally spoke nothing about critical issues and read and chatted sweetly to John instead. Before we left, I did manage to take pictures and post on the internet.
One thing I can attest to is John’s amorous behavior in the last two days. That’s encouraging, but what’s he going to be like when I’m 20 pounds lighter? Besides Las Vegas, an Alaskan Cruise would be nice. Now, now, Paulette.
I watched no TV for the 5th day in a row. Everyone’s talking about soccer, but not one game have I seen. (Though, if the Seahawks were on it would be an entirely different matter. Go Hawks!)
Good Night Day Five –
June 21, 2014
Day Six
Weight: 143.5 ( 5.4 pounds lost)
Blood Pressure: 130/80 (too much coffee)
The Diet
I can’t believe its been almost a week: I’ve lost 5 ½ lbs. , my blood pressure is stable, my home life has taken a turn for the better and my yard looks great. I’m not saying everything is rosy because it’s not, but I’m working on it.
The diet, while filling and doing its job, is getting a bit boring. I really would like something sweet but know that now is not the time to break the diet platform. I drink so much water now that I float, and the squirrels in the back yard are worried about their nuts 🙂
HEALTH NOTE: Did you know that the fat in the avocado provides anti-inflammatory benefits as well as help lower the risk of heart disease?
Behavior Modification
“She believed she could and she did.”** Change takes a dash of pain, a dash of frustration, and a whole lot of hope and conviction to achieve.
No news is good news they say and everything is pretty much bland like my fat free milk today. I need some spice. Maybe I’ll throw in a hot pepper tomorrow or go on an adventure .
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” -Thomas Edison
Good Night Day Six
June 22,2014
Day Seven
Weight– 140 (Almost 10 pounds off; sounds unbelievable but it’s what the scale says, really. Maybe its broken.)
Blood Pressure: 125/70 (much better)
The Diet
∗I have shortened “The Challenge” to two weeks instead of 30 days due to the quick weight loss I am experiencing in just a week. It is so gratifying that my diet boot camp has worked so well.
Today was a good day to go for a ride. I’ve lost weight quicker than anticipated, my husband had to go to work (girls day here we come) and the weather was perfect. I got up early and packed my “cute little thermal lunch kit” for the day, ate breakfast and did an online paper for a class I am taking before I left.
When I got to Barnes and Noble, after allowing all the speed demons and deer the right away (Barnes is 50 miles from home), I felt happy.
Graciously opening the door for a couple of elderly folks, I went in to purchase my large Americano to go with my lunch and settled down for a wonderful afternoon of browsing through magazines and business literature. I am quite interested on the impact of social media on advertising. ( I wish I could own one of these book stores, but, alas, I feel they will be going by way of the dinosaur.)
I did not feel hungry the entire day. Filling up on water helps curb appetite.
HEALTH NOTE: Did you know that the phytonutrients in apples help prevent spikes in blood sugar?
Behavioral Modifications
Week two is upon me. Last week went fast and hopefully the next even faster. I am excited to lose as much weight as I have and promise to make it a life sojourn. I am fervent not be over weight and disrespected: not to be crippled and felt sorry for: not to sit around waiting for the grim reaper but to show my children, who have always thought mom was a little bit crazy, that crazy might just be the new awesome.
“Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways total worn out, shouting holy shit-what a ride”. -unknown author
Good Night Day Seven
June 23, 2014
Day Eight
Weight: 140 (no weight loss, ouch!)
Blood Pressure: 130/78
The Diet
What is a person’s BMI? The Body Mass Index is a measure of body fat based on height and weight and applies to both female and male adults.
There are several sites you can find to put your numbers in and see if Paulette’s Boot Camp is for you. When I put in my height, weight and age before I started dieting, I was considered overweight. Now, 8 days later I am within a normal range-24.4. High Normal, mind you, but I should be just right at the end of the week.
I had no change in weight this morning. I think it’s because I had lost so much the day before. Blood pressure is up and that’s worrisome. So I am going to make another great sacrifice for the challenge: coffee consumption will be cut in half. (What am I doing? Giving up coffee is like giving up Game of Thrones. I’m definitely going to need a support group for this one. )
I ate a scrumptious lunch today by mixing and matching the diet foods. I had a kale salad for lunch instead of a Vitamin Smoothie and instead of my morning and afternoon snacks separate, I combined them with the grapefruit, tomatoes and cucumber in the salad. I paired the salad with two peanut butter layered rye crisps. And of course water. It felt good to be full.
HEALTH NOTE: Did you know that eggs are considered “nature’s multi-vitamin? A SINGLE EGG contains: Vitamin B12 (9% RDA), Vitamin B2 (15% RDA) Vitamin A (6% RDA), Vitamin B5 (7% RDA) and Selenium (22% RDA), Folate (5% RDA) and Phosphorous (9% RDA).
Behavioral Modifications
Today I went to the doctor to check my leg. It has been hurting since I advanced the grade on the tread mill. It kept me from sleeping last night. Doc said I was fine and that I had most likely pulled a muscle. Guess who needs to slow down a little? After the doctor, I visited my dental hygienist for a periodontal maintenance. I love clean and sparkling teeth.
A healthy mouth and its teeth are so important to a person’s confidence and longevity. Bones like teeth are frequently ignored because they do such a good job for us with so little upkeep. However, when something happens to either, like a tooth infection or arthritis, we quickly realize the pain and misery they can inflict.
Respect your teeth and bones!
Good Night Day Eight
June 24, 2014
Day Nine
Weight: 138.9 pounds Blood
Pressure: 128/80
The Diet
As I head towards the finish line and 9 days under my belt I feel sad that I did not follow this healthy lifestyle in the past. When next Monday arrives, however, I am going to the local Chinese Restaurant for my Walnut Prawns Dinner. It will be nice not to have to cook or worry about calories just for an evening. Chinese, Thai and Seafood restaurants are the only ones I frequent and not very often.
HEALTH NOTE: Did you know that Salmon (beside providing outstanding omega-3 benefits) contains small bioactive protein molecules that may provide support for joint cartilage, insulin efficiency and inflammation control in the digestive tract?
Behavior Modifications
I have to tell you the truth about why I am having such excellent results with the challenge of becoming a better communicator with myself and others. The first is because my husband loves me and it is easy to communicate and reciprocate when there is no fighting or animosity between us. Second, my children and grandchildren do not live close by. So any act of kindness has to be texted, emailed, phoned or “snail mailed”. Little or no discourse ever occurs. The down side of long distance is the loneliness of touch: no children to chide or grandchildren to kiss and hug. I have not watched television (thus no Fox News) for 9 days now. I hope the world is not collapsing around me or higher taxes passed: but really not knowing helps me sing “Kumbaya” at the fire pit 🙂
“The most interesting thing about any human being is the values by which he or she lives.” -Robert Louis Stevenson
Good Night Day Nine
June 25,2014
Day 10
Weigh in: 137 pounds
Blood Pressure: 125/78
The Diet
Another day, Another dollar- that’s what I use to say after a grueling day at work. But now that I am retired it has changed to: Another day, Another weed. Too bad I couldn’t go out there and play Billy goat and just eat them!
But I cannot so I ate my diet food instead. All’s well on the food front today-looking forward to Chinese Dinner ,though, just for variety.
HEALTH NOTE: Did you know that the Grapefruit, not only known for its high Vitamin C benefits, contains the antioxidant Lycopene which gives the pink and red grapefruit its color. Lycopene is not found in white grapefruit.* I remember my mother going on a grapefruit diet years ago and included it in this diet because it works.
Behavioral Modification
Like my diet, my attitude and communication skills have greatly improved. So much so that today’s diary will be one of reflection:
The Wounded Pine Tree
Deep in the forest, a woodcutter was cutting down a stout old pine. With each blow of his ax, the giant tree shuddered and cursed the cold, hard steel that splintered its side. It was a tough old tree. After awhile the woodsman inserted a large,wooden wedge into the cut in order to pry the trunk apart. He pounded away at the wedge; amid a great ripping and splintering, the noble pine toppled toward the ground. As it fell it groaned. How can I blame the ax, which is no kin of mine;as much as this wicked wedge, which is my own brother?
( Moral of the story: pain inflected by outsiders is never so terrible as the suffering caused by one’s own family.)
Good Night Day 10
June 26, 2014
Day 11
Weight: 137 pounds
Blood Pressure: N/A
The Diet
Day 11 already. (Three more pounds to go) I have been mixing a lot of the foods in the diet lately and it’s unbelievable: they taste different. Part of the boredom I was experiencing was from the same meal combinations every other day. Now if I want a hard-boiled egg and grapefruit for breakfast, I make it. I hard boil at least 4 eggs at a time just in case I have to go somewhere during lunch or dinner . Same with the celery and nuts. They are ready to go at a moment’s notice. When I went to the grocery store for staples today, I bought a bottle of grapefruit flavored sparkling water on a whim. It is a wonderful alternative for vitamin water and tastes like- I want some more. I only had 2 cups of coffee today and am still in denial. In summary “Same food, different pile” 🙂
HEALTH NOTE: Did you know that Kale is now recognized as providing comprehensive support for the body’s detoxification system?
Behavioral Modification
I worked out in my massive Rhododendron garden today “dead-heading” the old clusters. I have over 50 of these bushes and trees to do. It takes all summer but is worth it (in between the weeding of the actual yard). My husband loves me for it because it’s the last thing in the world he would want to do.
I still haven’t watched TV and am quite proud of this feat. Never thought I could actually give up the news. Silence is everywhere; akin to a pioneer in the woods with no outside communication, nothing but a book by fire light and a good yarn for entertainment!:) When ever I think about giving up, no matter the issue, I read this little poem that once adorned my work office wall, then moved to my home after I retired:
You Mustn’t Quit
When things go wrong , as they sometimes will.
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill.
When the friends are low and the debts are high,
And when you want to smile, but you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but never quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Stick to your task, though the pace seems slow-
You may succeed with one more blow.
Success is failure turned inside out–
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far.
So stick to the fight when your hardest hit-
It’s when things seem worst that You Mustn’t Quit.
Good Night Day Eleven
June, 27,2014
Day 12
Weight: 135.5 pounds
Blood Pressure: N/A
The Diet
Since most of us do not eat correctly, the stomach and colon can be effected. If we have bad teeth or no teeth, eat quickly, go to bed with a full stomach or eat spicy foods; heart burn and indigestion are inevitable. (Did you know that the United States is the world leader in antacid consumption?)
When we eat foods high in salt and fat we can damage not only our digestion system and kidneys but our heart as well. If we eat too many sweets or carbohydrates our chances of getting diabetes are probable. If we eat too much of anything in general , don’t exercise and become obese, we start to damage not only our bones, hips and ankles, we are encouraging arthritis and a myriad of escalating afflictions.
Did you know that unhealthy eating has added to the obesity epidemic in the United States? 33.8% of the adult population is obese and 17% of our children between the ages of 2-17 are considered obese. These are alarming statistics. What can we do about it?
The President’s Council on Fitness Sports and Nutrition gives the following tips on just how we can make the change and strive for a more healthy life style. ( I will list each category, but for details check out their blog.)
1. Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.
2. Make half the grains you consume whole grains.
3. Switch to low-fat or non-fat milk.
4. Choose lean protein foods.
5. Compare sodium contents on the food labels before purchasing.
6. Drink water instead of sugary drinks.
7. Eat at least 8 ozs of fish a week. Children can have less.
8. Cut way back on solid fats.
My quick loss boot camp follows their outline to the extreme. Remember to “stay way from the “white’s”: white sugar and white flour. Eat any green vegetable with gusto!
HEALTH NOTE: Did you know that Spinach can protect against the occurrence of aggressive prostate cancer?*
Behavior Modification
Since I was so wordy with the diet portion, I will make today’s story short. I have only one more pound and I become an official “Slim Angel”.
I am having company next week and are they going to be surprised when they ask, what’s for dinner?:) I have become a vegetable and water guru. I guess I can bend a little, but just a little.
I have watched no TV for 12 days now and have been a tornado in the yard and house. I have so much energy I’m seriously thinking about giving up retirement (just kidding). But alas, I have to go to bed. I could stay up all night writing but Johnny Boy would be upset. He thinks I love the blog more than him. Poor baby.

Good Night Day 12
June 28, 2014
Day 13
Weight: 134
Blood Pressure: 125/70
Today my sister and brother-in-law came from Marysville (about 2 hours away) for a bit of R&R. They say its their little hideaway from the family. I do love to spoil people, that I know; could be from owning a Bed and Breakfast for over 28 years. I prepared a steak dinner with all the trimmings: mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, spring salad, garlic bread and apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Needless to say I had my little salmon dinner and was eyeing the mashed potatoes (I love mashed potatoes!) but resisted. It was hard but tomorrow is the last day of my diet so why spoil all my efforts now.
The four of us took a mile walk afterwards and I streamed the last episode of Fargo for everyone. I did not watch but cleaned up the mess in the kitchen instead. It felt good to be such a rock of denial. I’ve never really been a disciplined person, organized maybe, but most of the time got what I wanted because I worked hard for it. I did not know what the word “savings” meant until I met my husband, who still has his first silver dollar.
Still have one pound to go to meet my goal but will continue to lose weight until I reach 125 pounds. I will let you know of this stellar achievement when it happens. Meanwhile “Viva Las Vegas”! I have invited both my sisters to join the party. Since “What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas”, HELLOOO fabulous shows and the all- you- can- eat- buffets. (Just kidding, forget the buffets.)
Health Note: Did you know that a high intake of red meat has been linked to colorectal cancer? ( This reminds me of the Chicken Filet ads where the Cow has a sign that says “Eat Chicken” 🙂
Behavior Modification

I have been talking a lot about perseverance and not giving up when times are tough. One of the “three amigas”, sister # 2, suggested that I read Theodore Roosevelt’s speech entitled: The Man in the Arena. This speech exemplified the brilliance and true nature of one of our greatest Presidents. He often mentioned the trials and tribulations of the hard-working and committed man and the responsibility of the government towards his safe keeping. He believed that a person learned by doing, never naysaying. The standard by which he judged others, including himself, is memorialized in the following excerpt from his historic speech given at the Sorbonne in Paris in 1900. It is inspiring and worth the read.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who
points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds
could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is
actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and
blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and
again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but
who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms,
the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at
the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who
at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so
that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who
neither know victory nor defeat.”
Good Night Day 13
June 29, 2014
Day Fourteen
Weight: 134 pounds
Blood Pressure: 125/70
Measurements: 36½-27½-38
I Lost 14 Pounds in Two Weeks

I guess I can be proud of myself for finishing the task at hand. I just couldn’t lose that extra pound to make it a 15 pound loss, but I came razor close. Since my original challenge was for 30 days, my husband said I could go to Las Vegas anyway and I promised to shed that pound, plus before I left. I did, however, lose an 1½” off my bust, ½” off my waist and 1 inch off my hips. How fun this experience ended up being. When I get to my ultimate goal of 125 pounds, I will present a picture of the new me in a swim suit ( now that will be a true dream come true). The Challenge post will be updated with the final, final weight loss in two weeks.
My attitude is much improved, I eat better and learned a lot about my fellow-man and myself. I have stamina to the point of irritation. I did not make slim angel within the guide lines but came in as a runner-up. I have saved over $1000 by not buying anything.
Build Your Dream If You Haven’t One; Never Lose Sight Of That Dream If You Do:
A Morning Fairy Tale Come True.
My challenge is complete with no malice or conceit,
It’s goals nearly met; “toot sweet”.
I thank you all for your part in the roast,
Of a diary in a boot camp post.
It was fun but difficult at the same time you see,
But discipline and confidence had set me free.
For Boot Camp life is not so bad;
The best darn time my cells ever had.
Politics and TV were banished for a bit;
Meditation, exercise and love were a hit.
So it’s time for me to take the stand
And enthusiastically shout out: Ain’t the ” Healthy” Life grand!
Good Night Day Fourteen
Weight Loss Updates
July 16, 2014
Update Day Thirty: I was not able to get down to 125 lbs before the 30 day deadline. So no bathing suit until I do. I’ll keep plugging along until that 5-star day comes about. Hopefully I’ll need just a few more weeks. My new deadline is August 31st. I am not using the same diet in that I can drink more than just water and eat a variety of meat and fish. That is all that has changed. I have lost nearly 19 pounds in 30 days and that, in itself, is quite a feat. See you in September 🙂
Las Vegas Update: I leave on September 6th for 3 glorious days. I still have not gotten down to 125 but I will not stop trying until it is achieved. However, I am at 130 pounds and holding. My next post will be on my Las Vegas adventure mid September. Should be fun. Thanks for following my journey.

July 1, 2015
Weight Loss Complete: Am at 125 lbs and holding. I did it and you can too. One year later I have kept the weight off with the help of the outstanding Fitbit HR tracker: my trainer on the writst. I now live a new way of life ; a new path to longevity. Committment is the key the Fitbit HR the enforcer.
[…] the posts, A Simple Peace, On Getting Older, The Phenomenal Fitbit HR and Quick Weight Loss and Attitude Boot camp , I delve extensively into the importance of movement and eating healthy. These posts are my […]
[…] healthy. It’s been an amazing journey starting out intially when I wrote my post https://wannathink.com/wannathink-different/ last year, then to advance, 13 months later, to my athletic and quality lifestyle of today: 68 […]