Make Walking A Habit
( A Blog Favorite)

One of the habits I developed, after purchasing the Phenomenal Fitbit HR , was to walk as many steps as possible in a day to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Going for a walk in the beautiful area in which I live seemed to be the answer. So every afternoon I head out for my 5 mile commitment with joy and determination in my heart. Afterall, “Rome wasn’t built-in a day”.
Port Angeles is a small town nestled at the foot of the Olympic Mountains and kisses the ocean at the Straights of Juan De Fuco. Wherever adventure takes you in this serene area, the verdure imbues peace and tranquility. (I find enjoyment in walking no matter the locale mainly because I look for happiness in whatever I’m doing, but of all the places, the walk about my glorious neighborhood and hiking in the Olympics are by far the most rewarding.)
I’m so upset with myself for not embracing walking earlier in my life. A drive in a car is usually a rush and carry adventure, while a walk is personal; the senses of smell, touch, sound and sight become intoxicating. Every little nuance is felt, from the mist on your cheek when the fog from the ocean marches landward, to the cries of the sea birds mingling with the inland birds; the sighting of a majestic eagle or tiny hummingbird, to the sound of maple leaves colliding off their trees. Oh, hallowed be this heavenly place.
A Simple Peace
The world could be a peaceful place,
if life committed to a simple pace.
Walk my friend, whenever you can;
problems will diminish once you understand,
a healthy, vibrant you lies just beyond the bend.
p.o. martig
Ideas For Getting More Steps, All Day Long
1. When shopping, park your car at the farthest point in the lot. This way you’ll get more steps without a sweat before getting to your destination.
2. Always take the stairs when you have to go up in a building. Unless you’re carrying heavy items or suitcases, the stairs will always be a healthier choice.
3. When shopping at the mall, make sure you walk the whole mall even if you only want to go to one store. Not only is mall walking enjoyable, but you’d be surprised on how many steps you’ve taken with little or no effort involved.
5. Get in competition with your family or friends on who can maintain the most steps and miles in a day. Set goals together.
6. Buy a tracker. No second guessing when you have your own private trainer on your wrist. (I recommend the fitbit HR because it also monitors your resting heart beat.)
7. Remember- “A body in motion, stays in motion.”
8. Run in place for fun and step count.
9. Walk at least 1/2 hour everyday, even in increment weather, if you don’t have a gym membership. Make walking a mission.
10. Be vigilant, on point and committed: when excuses become routine, failure wins.
My Heartfelt Wish
For all those people who have not made movement a habit, please give walking a chance, if for no one else but yourself. The world will never get better if we’re all sick and fighting denial within. Of course there’s always hope for an epiphany, but that depends solely on the healthy human condition; physically, mentally and spiritually. So–walk on, my friends, walk on; it takes but a crack to see the light.
Walk About Fun
Sometimes I take my camera with me, though the added weight seems to slow me down. I do like the freedom of movement with no added responsibilities, like a purse or backpack, but it’s often worth the bother. Here are a few of the treasures I’ve captured:**

This quaint little truck farm, with adorable animals, especially one baby goat who I captured singing on the above video; is yet another reason why my walks are so special.
[…] the posts, A Simple Peace, On Getting Older, The Phenomenal Fitbit HR and Quick Weight Loss and Attitude Boot camp , […]
[…] I love to walk: I walk and talk, I walk and gawk, I walk for health, I walk for clean air; I walk to better me, and most of all, I walk because I live near the most beautiful place on earth: the Olympic National Forest. That said, gawking while walking is my favorite way to learn about new plants, animals and the terrain of my dreams. Just today I saw 10 new llamas and a cria nursing (Spanish for baby) in a nearby meadow. […]