A strange, lightning charged ball of electricity barreling down a chimney. Swirling, magical charges of electricity, luminescent and shape changing in the sky. Balls of static fury capable of burning down buildings and playing havoc with air travel, but in a blink of an eye to vanish, leaving behind the foul smell of sulfur in its wake
Ball lightning is an unexplained electrical phenomenon which occurs during thunderstorms and is quite unpredictable. It has been reported since the time of the Greeks and been witnessed by people around the world. Theories of its formation vary from free floating plasma caused by the ionization of air during a thunderstorm to the vaporization of silicon dioxide in the soil after lightening hits the ground. Ball lightning can display a blue or multi-colored glow. It has been known to emerge from objects like plane cabins and ship masts.
Documented throughout the ages but never scientifically proven, ball lightning is vexing to understand and to give purpose. It is real that much is known, it can be dangerous, it can be harmless, it can be fickle, alluring, mysterious, and beautiful to witness.
Does man have to dissect every magical unknown or can we be satisfied to have a mysterious and unattainable miracle of nature among us? Probably not.
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