Camel Jumping

Yemen Style

The once powerful and historical country of Yemen is no longer viable.  Riddled with disease, famine, tribal unrest, religious infighting, and political chaos, life seems to limp along through sport, tradition and kaht.

One particular Yemen tradition, played professionally and only by the Zaranig desert tribesmen, is the athletic and acrobatic sport of Camel Jumping.   It is believed the sport originated thousands of years ago as a friendly challenge between 2 men.

The object of the sport is to clear as many camels as you can lined horizontally, without touching any part of the camel (similar to  vaulting).  The jumper is barefoot and wears traditional clothing  tucked in at the waistline to avoid entanglement when flying up and over the camels.

The jumper starts at a distance comfortable for him and sprints full speed towards the camels, using a foot high mud lift to help with his leap.  The jumper who clears the most camels without touching any part of the animal is declared the winner.  Dangerous, yes: male prowess and recognition within the tribe, worth it.  Women are not allowed to participate, as if they would want to.

Camel Jumping venues are performed at major ceremonies, festivals and weddings.   Because of its growing popularity, camel jumpers train all year round.





3. Youtube video: Amazing 6 Camel Jumping (only in Arab Yemen)

One Comment

  1. Gloria Cawlfield said:

    That brings jumping to an entirely new level, and I thought jumping over the cat was pretty skillful! I had known idea!

    March 6, 2019

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