The Winds of Change

In My Humble Opinion

Predictably, nothing lasts forever:  the growing and dying of matter;  the ticking of a clock; the pernicious whims of nature; the tangled web of technology; friends, family, beliefs, behavior; the constant battle between war and peace.

Our world is always in a state of flux.  Why then, do we show such anxiety accepting change; clinging desperately to that which we hold dear in the throes of its inevitable demise?  I  counted myself among those who resisted change and challenges to familiarity and the comfort of tradition, but then slowly grew to accept the benefits of today’s evolving technology as a necessary component for the betterment of my life.  Freedom to think, invent and promote well-being for everyone should never be discouraged!

It’s in change that civilizations grow and advance; albeit at times, the speed in which it travels may be unnerving.  If history can show us anything, it’s that man is a complex creature, sly and hedonistic.  Fair laws and leaders, adherence to change and intelligence are necessary for our survival and happiness.

Any country that resists change becomes a cauldron of turmoil, not merely due to climate or the shortage of food or shelter, but by the self-aggrandizement of its leaders. These dictators, or leaders without a leash, thrive on keeping the status quo of change at arm’s length for their own job security and embellished egos.  Any independent thought or action contrary to their dictate is forbidden or discouraged. Consequently, the populace are unable to get out from under their abuse, and are subjugated to poverty, misery and death.

Nefarious Propagators of War

Bashar al-Assad, the maniacal leader of Syria, for example, has been accused of massacring his own people with chemical weapons and other atrocities during its civil war and continues his crimes against humanity to this day.  The supreme leader of South Korea, Kim Jong-Un, starves his people to acquire the exorbitant financing needed to develop a nuclear war chest and help puff-up his bloated ego and “Napoleonic” vision.  The winds of war will remain in tyrannically led countries until they get it right and allow the precious freedoms of choice, education and the right to be heard by all.

The Slippery Slope to Peace

In civilized countries, like America, embracing freedom of choice and education, equality between men and women,  and the right to be heard, makes life worth living.  It can be measured and improved.  Leaders have term limits and can be impeached.  Ideas are born. Differences are tolerated.  The possibility of peace is real.

 The harbinger for war or peace is one and the same;  man decides instinctively which one, at any given time, dominates his world.

War and peace will battle as long as there are human beings to feed them.  So how do we obtain more peace than war?  Again, we need to be open to change; consult; make a difference; be an intricate part in electing good leadership; get involved in the process and vote.  Be a part of the solution not the problem; unite and most of all– Respect freedom, it’s so much better than any alternative.

Although this is a utopian premise, its important to persevere;  having one less day with the monster of war and two more with the dove of peace is all we can really hope for.

*I want to thank Google images and YouTube for their contributions to this post.


One Comment

  1. […] We were never intended to be mere animals but rather an intelligent presence with the ability to change the universe and create peaceful co-existence.  But this seems not to be the case.  Peace is being challenged by those who hate, manipulate and skew the truth for their own power and money.  They would rather die by fire than live with brotherly love. […]

    August 18, 2017

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