The Fitbit HR: A Phenomena

When I get up in the morning, before I do anything else, I check with my personal trainer, the Fitbit HR on my exercise threshold from the day before.   A confidant and new-found friend, it tracks how many steps I’ve made, miles walked, stairs climbed, active minutes maintained, calories burned,  heart rate fluctuations, and exercise minutes endured for the day.  It tells me how well I slept or how to get even better rest and if I went over my food intake for the day tied to the amount of weight I want to lose or maintain.   It shows me how competitive I am with my team (the people who have taken the challenge with me) and keeps me on point.

Conveniently, on my wrist, the Fitbit HR continuously monitors the goals I want to accomplish: health, happiness, sharpened activity, and a new appreciation for movement; day in and day out. I cannot recommend this device enough.  I shout it from the rooftops and to everyone I know.  Get a Fitbit HR!  Your life will change, I guarantee it.  But you first must commit to this obligation and never give up on your goals.  Your tracker is only as good as you make it.  Most people fail to follow through because of all the effort required; day in and day out. Please don’t let this be you!  Your heart alone is worth the discipline.

Did you know that as your fitness and BMI improve, blood pressure goes down, sugar levels go down, arthritis episodes are calmed or gone, lung volume enlarges, and your resting heart beats at a lower rate?*  Yes, as fitness improves your heart becomes a fine-tuned machine.  It’s able to pump more blood and oxygen to your muscles with every beat and why a decrease in a resting heart rate suggests a stronger, healthier you.  My resting heartbeat now averages 60-61 with lows of 50-53 and that is unequivocal Fitbit happiness!

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Below is a copy of my progress report that FitBit sends weekly.  I love that it syncs with my phone, notepad, and computer so I am never without the compilation of my numbers and numbers don’t lie, right?  I literally cannot be without my Fitbit.  It’s hard to part with it even when it needs charging because of the stats I’m not getting.  Now that’s an obsession.


My best numbers since May 2015 by religiously wearing the Fitbit  HR. Wow, I still cannot believe I did it!

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Weight Loss Complete:  One year later (with my Fitbit HR and great gym ethic) I’ve kept the weight off and attained a new way of living the “hard” but so satisfying way of constant motion.  

(*) Based on my physical exam before wearing a tracker but exercising and dieting compared to my physical exam after only 4 months wearing the Fitbit HR,  exercising and eating healthy.  It’s been an amazing journey starting initially when I wrote my post-  last year, then advancing, 13 months later, to my athletic and quality lifestyle of today: 68 years old with a BMI of 22, RHR of 61, Weight 125 lbs, Blood Pressure 120/72.  

Commitment and passion are the keys to any goal you seek to undertake.

*UPDATE:  I am now 76 and still walking 13,000 or more steps a day, wearing my upgraded Fitbit HR, and loving life!


  1. […] Weight Loss Complete:  Am at 125 lbs and holding.  I did it and you can too.  One year later I have kept the weight off  with the help of the outstanding Fitbit HR tracker:  my trainer on the writst.  I now live a new way of life ; a new path to longevity.  Committment is the key the Fitbit HR the enforcer. […]

    December 21, 2015
  2. […] of the habits I developed, after purchasing the Phenomenal Fitbit HR last May,  was to walk as many steps as possible in a day to lose weight and maintain a healthy […]

    December 21, 2015
  3. […] the posts, A Simple Peace, On Getting Older,  The Phenomenal Fitbit HR and Quick Weight Loss and Attitude Boot camp , I delve extensively into the importance of […]

    December 22, 2015

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